To all who are interested, UK mag DIGIT is giving away the full version of
Life Forms 3.5 character animation software, as used in Jurassic Park etc. I
have just installed it, but have yet to delve deeper than looking at a few
of the demo files (of which there are lots).
I mention this here, as I feel that such a tool would open up the
possibility of character animation within POV-Ray to those of us who are
less mathematically gifted.
What's needed, I think, is software to convert .bvh motion files (or
whatever other format it outputs) into a text file that POV can deal with.
Then instead of having to deal with POV-code IK systems, just use a macro to
build your character from it's joint coordinates (you could have figures
dancing around built from strings of shifting blobs etc)
This is all theoretical at the moment.. I'll try to come up with animations
soon, but it all rests on hacking the .bvh files into a POV-friendly format.
Anyone care to write a utility? Please..... ;-)
Comments? Anyone else interested in this?
All the best,
Andy Cocker
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